Ebola is a deadly virus which causes severe illness in humans which is often fatal. The virus is rare and it is known to cause internal and external bleeding in humans. The disease is known as Ebola Hemorrhagic fever or Ebola. When the virus spreads in the body, it impacts the organs and causes damage to them as well as to the immune system.
As the proverb goes, “Prevention is better than cure”, here are a few steps to be followed for protecting oneself from getting infected with Ebola:
As the proverb goes, “Prevention is better than cure”, here are a few steps to be followed for protecting oneself from getting infected with Ebola:
- While handling animals, wear gloves and other protective clothing. Animal products such as blood and meat should be properly cooked before consumption. This will reduce the risk of transmission of virus from infected fruit bats or monkeys/apes.
- To reduce the risk of transmission from an Ebola infected person, care should be taken that direct contact with their body fluids is avoided. If you are providing care to ill people, then you should wear gloves and other protective equipment while handling such patients.
- Practice proper hygiene by washing hands with soap and water or by using an alcohol based hand sanitizer.
- Avoid getting engaged with the burial rituals of a person who was suffering from Ebola. If you have to attend then refrain yourself from touching the dear body.
- Do not handle such items such as needles, clothing, medical equipment or bedding, which have been handled by an Ebola infected person.
- Avoid getting in sexual contact with a man or a woman who has recovered from Ebola. Since there is a risk of sexual transmission, refrain from any kind of sexual contact for at least three months from the day symptoms have stopped recurring.
- Avoid visiting facilities in West Africa where patients with Ebola are getting treated.
- They should wear appropriate personal protective equipment.
- Proper infection control and sterilization techniques should be practiced by them.
- Patients with Ebola should be isolated from other patients.
- They should avoid unprotected contact with the dead body of a person who suffered from Ebola.
- Inform the medical officer in case the worker has come in direct contact with the blood or bodily fluid of an Ebola infected individual.