Overview of Ebola:
Ebola is a viral fever that is extremely sever and in most of the case a fatal illness. It is the Filoviridae viral member and found in the family RNA viruses. Ebola name was proposed for this virus as it was first found in the places beside the river Ebola. The fever rapidly starts attacking the endothelial cells, the cells that forms the lining for the blood vessels. Thus disorder in the coagulation of blood is noticed in the affected body. Due to inefficiency in blood coagulation and damage in the blood vessel walls the patient undergoes hypovolemic shocks or drastic drop in blood pressure level.
History of Ebola:
The disease was first spread in the year 1976, in the places like Sudan and Zaire. The symptoms were hemorrhagic fever. Each viral strains or outbreak affected about 284 people. But due to the remoteness of the place the viral was restricted to within that region and did not spread to larger areas. Else the outbreak could have been more tremendous. The first outbreak led to a mortality rate of around 53%. The second outbreak affected around 318 people with the highest mortality rate of about 88% in the regions of Yambuku and Zaire. The expertise researchers worked hard to find out the cause of such a severe disease but were unable to find out the actual cause behind the virus. In the year 1989, the Ebola Reston was first identified. This was the third strain of the disease. It was found in the Ebola affected monkey imported in Reston.
Death report in the outbreaks of Ebola:
1976: 88 percent
1995: 81 percent
1996: 73 percent
2001-02: 80 percent
2003: 90 percent
The Ebola outbreaks had their origin in the African countries but it got spread by non-human means or contamination of any testing kit.
Ebola is a viral fever that is extremely sever and in most of the case a fatal illness. It is the Filoviridae viral member and found in the family RNA viruses. Ebola name was proposed for this virus as it was first found in the places beside the river Ebola. The fever rapidly starts attacking the endothelial cells, the cells that forms the lining for the blood vessels. Thus disorder in the coagulation of blood is noticed in the affected body. Due to inefficiency in blood coagulation and damage in the blood vessel walls the patient undergoes hypovolemic shocks or drastic drop in blood pressure level.
History of Ebola:
The disease was first spread in the year 1976, in the places like Sudan and Zaire. The symptoms were hemorrhagic fever. Each viral strains or outbreak affected about 284 people. But due to the remoteness of the place the viral was restricted to within that region and did not spread to larger areas. Else the outbreak could have been more tremendous. The first outbreak led to a mortality rate of around 53%. The second outbreak affected around 318 people with the highest mortality rate of about 88% in the regions of Yambuku and Zaire. The expertise researchers worked hard to find out the cause of such a severe disease but were unable to find out the actual cause behind the virus. In the year 1989, the Ebola Reston was first identified. This was the third strain of the disease. It was found in the Ebola affected monkey imported in Reston.
Death report in the outbreaks of Ebola:
1976: 88 percent
1995: 81 percent
1996: 73 percent
2001-02: 80 percent
2003: 90 percent
The Ebola outbreaks had their origin in the African countries but it got spread by non-human means or contamination of any testing kit.